You must first build an understanding of the media used by perpetrators, by their target audience, and by actors seeking to counter perpetrator messages, as well as to understand, where possible, the motivations of those involved in the dissemination of such content.

Case Study 1 below, for example, involves content shared by perpetrators as well as by activist groups seeking to raise awareness of the issue. Tracking the activities of both parties and understanding their motivations is central to building an understanding of the situation.

The key question to ask is where would someone involved in the creation of activist content in a certain location be most likely to share that content in order to meet their aims?

What motivates a perpetrator to publish publicly on social media, as opposed to privately on a content-hosting or archiving site? How would media attention or the policies of social media platforms themselves impact a publication strategy for a militant group, for example?

Over time an investigator or journalist can build an understanding of where, how and why content is posted. This understanding acts as a filter, allowing faster access to content that is closer to the original source.

This understanding must adapt to changing patterns, stricter social media monitoring by the platforms, or other changes.  

The approach to searching for footage from violent actors in conflict zones will often differ from that used to search for extremist content in Western nations. Searches may include a mix of traditional and fringe social networks, including:

  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Whatsapp
  • Telegram
  • Gab
  • 4chan
  • 8chan
  • Endchan
  • Reddit
  • Voat

Different strategies will be needed for different platforms, based on the nature of the content, the violence, or the criminal activity being considered.

You must understand and adapt to online conversations to source relevant, original content quickly.

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