In late May 2020, video emerged of George Floyd, a 46 year old black man, being arrested and subsequently choked to death by Minneapolis PD officer Derek Chauvin.
The video sparked a wave of protests across the US, which were often met with a violent response. More videos captured incidents of police brutality, and as protesters called for justice for George, they also called for accountability in the many new cases of violence and brutality that had been documented.
Police violence is not new, but the ability to capture it on camera is. Increasingly, this is leading to greater accountability for police officers using excessive force, in situations where previously they had been able to act with impunity.
The list of case studies in this page charts some of the incidents in which officers have faced disciplinary action, or even criminal charges, for behavior captured on film. For each case we identify some key filming points that helped to bring accountability to those involved, and extract some general tips for anyone who has captured an incident of police violence on camera.
See other case studies and resources for how you can use video to expose police violence on our Filming the Police project page