Police Violence Tag

17 Dec Working With Journalists: Tips for Sharing Videos of Police Violence

One of the most frequent questions we get from people is “What should I do after filming a video of police violence?” One strategy is to share your video with a journalist, but it’s not always clear how to do that. We spoke with journalist Nick Pinto, who writes about police misconduct, to get tips on what journalists look for in eyewitness videos and how to safely and effectively collaborate with media.


10 Sep Police Body Cameras Won’t Solve Our Problems

Following the police killings of Michael Brown Jr. and Eric Garner in 2014, many people advocated for the widespread adoption of police body cameras as a solution to ending systemic police abuse and increasing transparency. Yet, they haven’t been effective. Now, more than five years later, we look back at our initial predictions, take stock in what we’ve learned and offer recommendations for moving forward.


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